Anonymous Coward
on 2015年12月12日 13時58分
さらに,「日本学術会議連携会員 ,内閣府 総合科学技術・イノベーション会議事務局 政策統括官付 上席科学技術政策フェロー」という肩書きを持つ准教授は,
下記predatory journalを全部はしごしておられます...
"International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation" (North Atrantic University Union: NAUN)
"International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications" (The Science and Information Organization: SAI)
"Journal of Geographic Information System"(Scientific Research Publishing: SCIRP)
"Journal of Environmental Protection"(Scientific Research Publishing: SCIRP)
"Smart Grid and Renewable Energy"(Scientific Research Publishing: SCIRP)
"Journal of Earth Science and Engineering" (David Publishing)
"Journal of Communication and Computer "(David Publishing)
"Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering"(David Publishing)
"Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture"(David Publishing)
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