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14959581 submission


タレコミ by Anonymous Coward
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、
> Unlike most of those cases, however, the men in Reno, NV, and Virginia, and a 46-year-old man in Ecuador, had more severe symptoms during their second infections, potentially complicating the development and deployment of effective vaccines.

> "Coronaviruses are known to reinfect people — the seasonal ones — and so it's not very surprising to see reinfections occurring with this particular coronavirus," said Akiko Iwasaki, PhD, an immunobiologist at Yale University who was not involved in either study. "And the fact that there is more severe disease the second time around. It could a be a one-in-a-million event, we don't know. We're just becoming aware of the reinfection cases, and they are just a handful among millions of people infected."


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犯人はmoriwaka -- Anonymous Coward
